Residential & Commercial
Residential & Commercial Plumbing Services
New buildings require installing every bit of plumbing and piping to ensure they will be functional. This includes the piping responsible for water, gas, drainage, etc. If the piping is not installed correctly, there could be significant damage or loss of functionality in the future.
The water and sewer lines that exit the building must be installed appropriately to ensure the perfect functionality of items such as drains and toilets. This also ensures that the building does not have sewer backups and dirty water.
Shut-Off Valves
For every toilet, sink, and shower, there must be a shut-off valve to help gauge water pressure and prevent serious emergencies such as water leaks. They can also be turned off when people leave for vacation or when the units are vacant for long periods of time ensuring that there are no issues or wasted running water.
Finally, the fixtures in every room must be installed. The faucets in all the bathrooms along with showerheads and toilets must be put in place before the building is finished so that a building inspector can check them during the inspection.
Full List of Repairs
Tampa Bay Construction and Plumbing offers :
Backflow Preventers
Bath & Kitchen Remodeling
Bathroom Fixtures
Bathtubs & Showers
Boilers & Water Heaters
Catch Basins & Traps
Code Violation Repairs
Competitive Bids
Copper Piping
Drain & Sewer Cleaning
Drain Cleaning, Maintenance & Repair
Drain Traps & Treatment
Electric Power Rodding
Electric Rotating Cutters
Electric Snake Service
Fixture Replacement
Flush Valves & Parts
Garbage Disposals
Home Maintenance Programs
Insurance Work
Kitchen Fixtures
Leak Detection
New Plumbing Installations
Plumbing Installation
Plumbing Services
PVC & Plastic Pipe
Radio Dispatched Trucks
Replacement Parts
Rooter Service
Same Day Service
Sewer Cleanout Installation
Sewer Lines & Sewer Systems
Sewer Pumps
Sewer Repair & Replacement
Sewer, Gas & Water Line Replacement
Storm Drain & Catch Basin Cleaning
Tankless Water Heaters
Unclogging & Cleaning
Underground Leak & Pipe Repair
Waste Digestant
Water Heaters
Water Leaks
Water Lines
Water Main Repair
Water Treatment & Purification
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